Reinhard Lettl

Born 1962, Self-taught artist

Carefree, unproblematic childhood

  • 1972 - Reinhard is taught how to ride a moped by his grandpa
  • 1974 - His father gives him instructions in welding operations and teaches him how to work with various materials - such as metal, wood and stone
  • 1977 - Apprenticeship as plumber and metal-worker
  • 1981 - Final examination with excellent certificate
  • 1984 - Career as civil servant
  • 1990 - Education as masseur in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden
  • 1995 - Opening his own parlor as self-employed masseur
  • 2005 - Finally, having been interested in art for many years, his first sculpture is formed in sandstone (The Half Head)


The Half Head

The Half Head

Reinhard Lettl

Reinhard Lettl




  • 2006 - Exhibition of 2 sculptures in sandstone (The Half Head, Heads) at the entrance-area of the Biennale Austria, Hüttenberg-Eisenwerk Heft
  • 2007 - First contact and begin of sculptural-art studies with supervisor Mag.Monika Verhoeven (Lecturer for sculpting at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna) and
    Prof.Gerda Fassel (Head of the masterclass of sculpting, after Alfred Hrdlicka, University of Applied Arts, Vienna)
  • Continuing education with above mentioned professors at well-known academies in Austria and Germany, thereupon a longtime friendship was established
  • 2012 - Exhibition at the Kulturwekstatt Wasserschloss Kottingbrunn
  • 2013 - First experiment in bronze, more have followed ...





Critical reflexion upon working- process and final result with Prof.Gerda Fassel and Mag. Monika Verhoeven

Critical reflexion upon working- process and final result with Prof.Gerda Fassel and Mag. Monika Verhoeven

The latest art-work of Reinhard Lettl is focussed on earthen, stone, iron and wooden substrata.

Once an idea occurs, the process of carefully considering the final product and an exact, sensitive procedure of refinement start taking their course.
In the course of the working process, as Reinhard Lettl describes, a timeless space opens up for him. His sculptures are created with uncompromising carefulness and brought to utmost quality - either as unique examples or in very limeted editions.